Tuesday, June 22, 2010


“But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” (1 Cor. 1:30).

Jesus, the Christ, is altogether ours and ours forever. All the offices of Christ are held on our behalf. He is king for us, priest for us, and prophet for us. Whenever we read a new title of the Christ, let us appropriate Him as ours under that name as much as under any other.

The shepherd's staff, the father's rod, the captain's sword, the priest's miter, the prince's scepter, the prophet's mantle, all are ours. His dignity he employs for our exaltation; His prerogatives for our defense. The fullness of the Godhead is our inexhaustible treasure-house.

His manhood, also, is for our perfection. To us our gracious Lord communicates the spotless virtue of a stainless character; to us he gives the meritorious efficacy of a devoted life; on us he bestows the reward procured by obedient submission and incessant service.

He makes the untainted garment of his life our covering beauty; the glittering virtues of his character our ornaments and jewels; and the superhuman meekness of his death our boast and glory.

He gives us his manger, from which to learn how God came down to man; and his Cross to teach us how man may go up to God. All His thoughts, emotions, actions, utterances, miracles, and intercessions, were for us.

He traveled the road of sorrow on our behalf. All the labours of his life he bequeaths to us as his heavenly legacy. He is not ashamed to acknowledge himself "our Lord Jesus Christ," though he is the most Blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords.

Everywhere and every way, Christ is our Christ, forever and ever.


WordAlive…this is Grace!

(Inspiration drawn from Spurgeon's Devotional)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Do you know that you’re highly connected? Do you know you have a friend in high places?

Rom. 8:34 lets us know that “… Christ… who is even at the right hand of God, … makes intercession for us.

“Right hand of God” signifies the highest honour. Better still, you don’t just have a friend in high places; you reside in the secret place of the Most High. (Psa.91:1).

You are joint-heirs with Christ. (Rom.8:17). He doesn’t just intercede for us, He intercedes in us. Yes, Christ is in heaven. Yes, He rules the universe. Yes still, He lives in you.

So, don’t ever feel like a minnow in a whale’s world. Don’t think, talk and act as though you belong to the House of Commons. No! You belong to the highest class of aristocrats in the House of Lords.

“Well,” you may say, “there’s nothing special about me.” So it is with someone I know…
Check out on his credentials…

Dwelt in a peasant girl for 9 months; Midwifed by a carpenter; Lost but later found in a temple; Baptized by a weird-looking man; Hungry and tempted by the devil; Thirsty and underrated by a Samaritan woman; Taunted by the Pharisees; Disappointed by close associates/disciples; Whipped and scourged by Roman soldiers; Hung naked on a plain wood; Buried in a borrowed grave…

I bet you have similar credentials… nothing special!

“… yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Cor. 5:16, 17)

We see, therefore, frail humanity mingled with omnipotent divinity. Though you are well acquainted with Jesus of Nazareth, you also belong to the order of Jesus Christ – the One who defied death and lives forever by the power of an endless life (Heb.7:28).

Christ, your Christ, is the One running the show. A leaf just fell from a tree in Kenya. Christ knows about it. A newborn baby in India inhaled for the first time. Your Jesus measured the breath. The elderly person’s final breath in Indonesia - all can be traced back to the hands of Christ.

Consider these scientific facts:
- It is estimated that the number of stars in the universe equals the number of grains of sand on all the beaches of the world.
- The star “Eta Carinae” outshines our sun, in the same way Yankee Stadium outshines a candle light. Five million times brighter!
- The star Betelgeuse has a diameter of 100 million miles, which is larger than the earth’s orbit around the sun.

These mind-blowing immensity and vastness is directed by Christ. After all, “…by Him all things were created… and by Him all things consist.” (Col.1:16, 17).

So, relax! You have a friend in high places. Does the child of Arnold Schwarzenegger worry about tight jar lids? If the daughter of Bill Gates can’t turn on her computer, does she panic?

No! Neither should you. The Great I Am is your father. The universe’s Commander-in-Chief knows your name. He has walked your streets. The One who manages the planets is in charge of your life. He lives in you.

WordAlive...this is Grace!

(Inspiration drawn from Max Lucado's "NEXT DOOR SAVIOUR")