Tuesday, April 13, 2010


"A spring shut up, a fountain sealed."
(Song of Solomon 4:12)

In this metaphor, reference is made to the inner life of a believer.

It depicts very plainly the idea of SECRECY:

It is a spring shut up. Just as there were springs in the Eastern part of the world, over which structures are erected, so that no one could reach them except those who knew the secret entrance; so is the heart of a believer. When the heart is renewed by grace, there is a mysterious life within which no human skill can touch. It is a secret which no other man knows. The man who owns the heart even finds it difficult to explain its inner workings to his neighbour.

It is also a picture of SEPARATION:

It is not the common spring, which every passer-by may drink; it is one kept and preserved from all others. It is a fountain with a particular mark --- the King's royal seal. So it is with the spiritual life. The chosen ones of God were separated in the eternal decree; they were separated by God in the day of redemption. They are separated by the possession of a life which others do not have. This is the reason it is impossible for them to feel at home in the world, or to delight in its pleasures.

There is also the idea of SACREDNESS:

The spring shut up is preserved for the use of some special person: and such is the Christian's heart. It is a spring kept for Jesus. Every Christian should feel that he has God's seal upon him, and he should be able to say with Paul, "From henceforth let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus."

Another idea is prominent --- it is that of SECURITY:

Oh! how sure and safe is the inner life of the believer! No power of hell, no schemes of man, can ever pluck you from His hands. The Giver of this life pledged His own life for its preservation.

It is a life hidden with Christ in God. (Col.3:3). Hallelujah!

WordAlive… this is Grace!

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